There was a time I had no access to internet or a laptop. I have no regrets because of my humble beginnings as I had catalogues of books to make my imagination run wild. going to library learning the art of researching information. it was a tough lesson but it was preparing me as a writer, Historian and Philosopher. these experiences teaches you patience and the ability to recognize reliable sources and to work under pressure.
when there was a book fair at National stadium my mom and I and my neighbor Miss Dawn and son Dimitri who now plays basketball for JC and brother to Dujan "whisper" Richards upcoming footballer. anyways, we had came late so the only Boothe left was Flow to make a long story short we won two pc and student internet services. this opened many door for me. a world of Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. I began to submit my poems all over and one of the first place to showcase my work was Gleaner. I was also recruited to the online poetry group Think out Loud( TOL) founded by Terence Thompson Jr poet and award-winning photographer and owner.
I later commented on a poem in LinkedIn, "Facebook poem" by writer and award winning author Alan Jankowski now deceased. he introduced me to William S. Peters of Inner child press. I was featured in their World healing, World Peace anthology in 2012 and the best of the best was chosen and I was delighted. I began to Google and send my work all over and eventually my Facebook friends grew with artist, artiste, painter, poets, authors, publishers etc., I eventually came in contact with Canadian Brian Wrixon who published Pearls among stones. for which I republished in 2015.
It did not take me long to realize I needed to enter more competitions, be in anthology's, promote my work and market my book. engage my audience, create a website and get myself educated in courses. Also to find which social media suite my audience and where I could be me.
before you know people knew me before they met me. I was been booked on shows in person and online. fast forward to 2020-21 now have 3 published books, over 50-100 anthology feature, radio interviews, newspaper, tv and 5 awards.
1.International Reggae and World Music Awards in the Category of Mutabaruka Best Poet/Spoken word. Nominated in 2021
2.Certificate of Excellence Sarabita Masters Award from new York based founder Ras Atiba. 2020
3. and 4.National Spoken word International artiste of the year from Chicago based organization People of extraordinary talent ( P.O.E.T.) and renowned poet Blaq Ice Productions. 2020 and 2021.
5.Major Art award from the Jamaican Youth Empowerment through Culture, Arts and Nationalism (JAYECAN) organization. 2016
6.Prime Minister’s National Youth Award for Excellence in Arts and Culture. 2014