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Out From Babylon System: Liberation of Mind

This book is not for the faint heart as it tugs at your soul. It challenges your perspective of life and the people around you. What is perceived? Dare be different and revolutionary in thoughts and actions towards unjust systems and individuals. Become free in mind and thoughts has there is known and unknown forces that try to hold you psychologically captive. Break those chains and become the true individual you are.

Out from Babylon System: Liberation of Mind is unapologetic in words and theme. The writer hails from Jamaica and she is considered by her Peers as a revolutionary poet as she stamps her seal of a warrior. She is someone who has faced discrimination, pain, poverty, terrorism from neighbours and so much more. Some come and dive in this book and find out what it really is about? Hope your curiosity is pique.

Out From Babylon System: Liberation of Mind

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